Travelling While Pregnant : Keep this list with you

The idea of travelling when you’re pregnant may seem daunting at first. But guess what? This is one of the best times for you to travel and explore, provided you take all the necessary precautions. The first trimester of your pregnancy might compel you to think that there’s no way you’ll manage it on a plane or in a strange hotel room, when getting comfortable in your own bed is a difficulty.

However, if you follow the rules there is no reason why a pregnant woman shouldn’t go on holiday unless your doctor has explicitly told you otherwise. Still, traveling when you’re pregnant requires a bit more advanced planning than when you’re not.

Here is our guide to making pregnancy travel easy, comfortable, safe, and relaxing:

  • When you plan to travel, first and foremost get your flu vaccine injected. Also, if there are any other health advisories issued in the country you wish to visit, get yourself vaccinated appropriately.
  • It’s important for pregnant women to eat often and nutritiously. Also, fast food and pregnancy are not the best of combinations. Make sure you have a stash of the healthy foods you tend to crave.
  • Prioritize comfort over fashion in footwear and clothing. Pack flip flops, shawls, loose shrugs which will keep you comfortable while travelling.
  • Pack light to save your tired self from having too much to lug.
  • Always ask for extra pillows on the plane, at your hotel, if you think it is too much luggage carrying your own.
  • It’s best to avoid any unnecessary travel during the last weeks of pregnancy. The middle three months of pregnancy (between 18 and 24 weeks) are the best time for women to travel.
  • Specialised tour packages have specific pregnancy policies. If you’re opting for one of these, ensure that you check their pregnancy policy.
  • Ensure that you gather information about local doctors and hospitals at your tourist destination, which you can contact in case of emergency.
  • It is essential to keep the body hydrated when travelling. It becomes all the more essential when one is pregnant. However, always opt for bottled water. If bottled water is unavailable, short-term use of iodine-based purification tablets is safe. Avoid water served in airlines.
  • When pregnant, stay away from Jacuzzis, hot tubs and saunas.
  • Find out what kind of medical care is available in the country to which you’re travelling. Keep your doctor updated about your plans.
  • A cruise can be an ideal pre-baby getaway, since there’s plenty of room to move about. However, water borne diseases and seasickness can be a problem.
  • Make frequent stops and stretch your legs when travelling. Every two hours is a good gap to exercise. If taking a road trip, limit the entire drive to no more than six hours.
  • The immune system is weaker during pregnancy so one becomes more susceptible to sickness. Frequent hand washing will help you steer clear of bacterial and viral infections. Wash your hands regardless of the mode in which you travel.

Follow the above guidelines and enjoy a happy babymoon!