How to learn new languages during the lockdown

Now is the best time to pick up a foreign language and start learning it. If you have been meaning to visit a country then it is best if you are familiar with the local language. Learning a new language has many other benefits and with some extra time in your hands, this is one way to make the most of it.  Here is how you can learn a new language during this lockdown. 


This is the most common language learning app that people use to brush up their skills. 5-10 min exercises on this app can help you pick up some basic skills of the language you choose to learn. 


Another useful language learning app that helps you learn a new language at your pace. Babbel has over 14 languages that you can choose to learn from. 

Verbal Planet

Take up a trial session with the verbal planet as their philosophy is a conversation is the key to fluency. They also allow you to take help from a tutor and the app gives you the option of customizing your lessons. 

Learn French at home 

If you are up for online courses and one on one lessons then you can choose from 8 different courses they offer. The lessons are taken on Skype, Google Hangouts or Zoom. 

Here are a few ways to learn a language sitting at home. Even a little practice each day can do wonders for you. Learning a language along with a family member or a friend can also be an encouragement and this may help you stick with your decision.